That's me:
in the snow.
And this, apparently, is going to be my diary for the next year or so. Lets go!
Today is January 12th 2011. Theres now 22 days 19 hours and 24 minutes till I have to get to the airport. Not as if I was counting. From Helsinki airport I'm supposed to fly to London Heathrow and hang out with the best(est) friend of mine who currently residers somewhere there. Next step on the Journey Grandeur is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. And the rest of the year is going to happen over there, somewhere around SE-Asia. Which I think is really nice.
My route might resemble the following:
KL (1 week)
Indonesia (2 months)
Vietnam (1 month)
Laos (1 month)
Cambodia (1 month)
Somewhere (1 month)
back to Indonesia (5 months)
(This information is subject to change without notice.)
This is my first (long) trip to Asia. I'm reeally exited about this and possibly even a little tiny bit scared. This is due to my decision to travel alone without precise plan nor return ticket. I've rented my apartment, did my best to sell my piano, informed my boss that I'm not going to be around for a while and promised my family to try to stay alive and write something here once in a while. I've explained my plans to too many people, which is kind of funny because I haven't actually made so much plans, mostly just done research about places of interest. This trip is more about trying how it feels living without routines, plans or goals. Cliché "living in the moment" somewhat describes the mentality I'm going for.
Things still to be done before leaving:
This blog is written in my not-so-native English so that my non Finnish-speaking friends could also keep up with my movements, for the use of other communicational media is bound to be reduced in days to come. The main target audience consists of my friends and family, but strangers shouldn't feel unwelcome. Comments are welcome, and suggestions for to-dos and to-sees are most appreciated!
Next update: One day to go!
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