Friday, February 25, 2011

Bukit Tinggi - Gunung Merapi

The hike was great!

We walked 22 kilometers in less than 12 hours, with a 2 km rise. The trail was good and the burning sun was concealed behind thick jungle. At firs the climb seemed easy, and I avoided touching anything so that my hands would have stayed clean. A ridiculous thought. After climbing three hours I reached for any branches, trees and monkey tails not to fall down.

My guide Moly, who I found hanging out in my Orchid hotel, was a 48 year old tiny man who looked like he was 25. He was really helpful, spoke (and taught) fluent English and had climbed mount Merapi more than hundred times during the past 35 years.

Photos, as promised:


Moly finding the way

A cave carved by rain water and covered by plants

Mountain conquered


The crater

More view

2,968 m

Me too close to the crater

Chillies at the bottom of the mountain

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Nice views:) and it's so cool you're going to Maluku so soon - maybe you never return...
